Sunday 20 April 2014

Lazy Sundays #9

•Playing pots and pans •Sunny side up • Netflix addict • Baby badminton •Notebook collection increases

Playing pots and pans Nostalgia kicks in everytime I visit my cousins. My little cousin especially is one of those girls with a play kitchen, baby and pram- the whole shebang. She often ropes me into playing 'mummies and daddies', her idea of an ideal game.

Sunny side upSun has been hitting London in full force, and rightly so because it's spring break and taken advantage of without being locked up in a classroom. Last week I went to a market affair with my family to go bargain shopping. I managed to find a few gems and the weather added to the enjoyment too!

Netflix addict My brother recently downloaded his free month trial of Netflix and whilst I spend hours finding something to watch, movie after movie, it's eating away at my revision time and it's getting to crunch time!

Baby badmintonBack to the little cousins, I've had this past two weeks of holiday to spend quality time with them. It's nice to just grab a little time off and head to the garden to play something amongst the green grass and sunshine. I'm actually dreading the return back to school, work and exams only wait and I don't think I'm ready. :(

Notebook collection increases Lastly, notebooks. Let's not beat around the bush, I have a serious stationery addiction and this biscuit book only adds to the collection. It was a joke gift that I was in awe over, it's so cool!

So that wraps up #9 in Lazy Sundays I can't believe next week will mark the tenth week of doing this series, it's crazy!

1 comment:

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    Lovely greets from germany ;-)


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